المشروع الأول في مادة الانجليزية .. عادات الأكل عند الشعوب

المشروع الأول في مادة الانجليزية

عادات الأكل عند الشعوب
Have you ever been scolded for eating with your elbows on the table, forgetting to put your napkin on your lap, or burping during a meal? We can all relate to the universal ideal that as we grow up, we're exposed to certain eating habits and rules of etiquette that shape how we enjoy food.
But while one child is learnining not to burp stateside, another child across the globe might be learning the opposite. Part of what makes food culture unique, in addition to different ingredients, cuisines, and customs, are eating guidelines, which vary from country to country.
We asked Refinery29 staffers to share some of their own cultural quirks or things they've learned while traveling. Ahead, find surprising table dos and don'ts from four different countries that might contradict what you were taught as a kid.
1.     Japan
It is considered rude (and gross) to put an entire edamame in your mouth, and pull out the beans with your mouth. Instead, first you have to open the pod, remove each individual bean with chopsticks (or your hands), and then proceed to eat them.

2.     India
1. Burping isn’t considered rude at all. If you burp after a meal, it signifies your enjoyment of the food, and is a compliment to the chef.
2. Using your left hand anywhere near food is taboo. After all, the left hand is reserved for wiping your posterior.

3.     South Korea
1. In Korea, blowing your nose is rude, and blowing your nose at the table is perhaps the most disgusting thing ever.
2. Drinking water only happens after a meal. Many cafeterias and dining halls are structured with water dispensers next to the tray drop-off, so diners can have a glass of water after they eat. In more Western dining establishments, this is changing. But what's a blessing in terms of smaller plate and consequently portion sizes is a curse in the form of impossibly small water glasses.

4.     Spain

It's earth-shatteringly rude to cut all the food on your plate into small pieces before eating. Maintain the status quo by cutting each specific bite when you're ready to comer.
   لتحميل الملف جاهزا بصيغة الوورد مع مزيد من الصور اتبع الرابط في الأسفل

في أمان الله
و لا تنسوا العودة للصفحة الرئيسية لتصفح المزيد من البحوث و الوثائق التعليمية.

ملاحظة: كرما و ليس أمرا يرجى التبليغ عن أي رابط لا يعمل و ذلك بترك تعليق أو مراسلتنا عبر بريد الموقع

كلمات دلالية:  [ تحميل بحث الجغرافيا جغرافيا تلوث البيئة التلوث بيئي ثانوي متوسط  أولى ثانية ثالثة رابعة ابتدائي مذكرات اتسطوانات بكالوريا البكالوريا دور جوان لغة عربية رياضيات تاريخ علوم طبيعية فيزياء فلسفة فرنسية انجليزية أدب علوم اسلامية شرعية ]
